ICTS Region I Newsletter no. 23 (15 June 2004)

Hereafter is a brief report on the ICTS meeting; detailed presentations are posted on the site of ICTS.

The European general session of ICTS was held during ETC 2004 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, on may,25th.
After welcome by the chairman, Tim Chalfant, the 3 regions presented their business reports.For region I, we presented a report on the member list, members and guests, focused on the next letter publications, and presented the 2 sheets hereafter.

A mail from F. Kitchen gives a report about contacts with Mr Worthington (MoD), who sits in the IFPG (International Frequency Planning Group),and invited Frank to represent ICTS in a future meeting, which will debate the ITU proposal.

Several very complete presentations followed. Their contents will be soon posted on the ICTS Web Site. Here is the list:

-Economic impact of telemetry by Carolyn Kahn
-3-30 GHz research projects by Saul Ortigoza
-WG1 report, 3-30 GHz Spectrum studies by D. Ernst
-UAV - TM spectrum concern by M. Ryan
-Data growth in aeronautical TM by D. Ernst
-Preparation in Europe within the CPG of CEPT by J. Strick
-WRC07/1.5 preparation in the USA by S. Jones
-ICAO and IATA position on WRC07/1.5 by D. Holtmeyer
-CITEL (ITU region II) preparation by K. Keane
-Open discussion

The renewal of ICTS officers must be voted by the nominating committee in October, in San Diego. The candidates are asked to inform their region co-ordinator.

A meeting of SFCG (Space Frequency Co-ordination Group) will take place on September,15 , at PERROS-GUIREC (France).D. Ernst will make a presentation of ICTS and of the different actions for WRC'07/ agenda item 1.5.; during the same week will be held the ITU WG8B in Geneva, covering the same agenda point.

To prepare the French position, a meeting is called on 23rd of June , in Airbus Toulouse facility, for all telemetry frequency authorities, users and manufacturers, to be ready for presentation at the next European meeting (August 2004), before WG8B

All the presentations made in Garmisch will be posted on ICTS site (www.telemetry.org)

Presentation Region1

See Annexe 1

ICTS 05 during ETTC 05 (June 2005)

See Annexe 2