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Sattelite Event to ERTS 2016
Software and System Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems: technical challenges and collaboration opportunities
26 January 2016 – IRIT Toulouse
CPSE-Labs , SysML France and the GDR GPL invite you to attend a free one-day workshop on software and system engineering for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). This workshop gathers representatives of academia and industries interested in rigorous design of CPS. It aims to clarify the current technical challenges and solutions as well as promoting opportunities for the national and European collaboration offered by the co-organizing entities.
Workshop program

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline extention:
a) New submission can be done up to June 28th
b) Update of submitted data (including pdf) is possible until July 5th
Authors Notification:
September 16, 2015
Full Paper for review:
October 15, 2015
Final Paper submission deadline:
November 15, 2015
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