ERTSS 2010 | 5th International Congress & Exhibition

Full papers submission : March 26th, 2010

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Thursday, 20 May 2010

Session 5A | Session 5B | Session 5C | Session 5D |
Session 6A | Session 6B | Session 6C | Session 6D |
Session 7A | Session 7B | Session 7C | Session 7D |

08:45 Keynote address
Component-Based Design of Embedded Systems
            Hermann Kopetz – Vienna University of Technology, Austria
            Chairperson: Jean-Claude Laprie – Laas CNRS, France
10:00 - Session 5A Model-Based Engineering 1
10:50   Chairperson: Paul Arberet
– CNES, France

- 5A-1 Avionic Software Development with TOPCASED SAM
10:25   Pierre Gaufillet – AIRBUS Operations, France
            Sébastien Gabel – CS, France

- 5A-2 Synoptic: a a Domain Specific Modeling Language for Embedded Real-
10:50   Time Flight Software Design

            Alexandre Cortier, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Marc Pantel, Martin
            Strecker , M. Filali
            Gerald Garcia – Thales Alenia Space,France
            Eric Morand – CNES, France
            Anna-Helena Rugina – EADS Astrium, France
            Jean-Pierre Talpin – IRISA-ESPRESSO, France
10:50   Session 5B Multi-Core Scheduling
- Chairperson: Louis-Claude Vrignaud – Continental, France

- 5B-1 Multicore Systems - Challenges for the Real-Time Software Developer
10:25   Fridtjof Siebert – Aicas, Germany
10:25 - 5B-2 Accelerated Simply Periodic Task Sets for RM Scheduling
10:50   Dirk Müller – Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
10:00 - Session 5C Model-Based Safety
10:50   Chairperson: Jean-Paul Blanquart – Astrium Satellites, France
10:00 - 5C-1 Toward a Validation Process for Model Based Safety Analyses
10:25   Romain Adeline, Pierre Darfeuil, Sophie Humbert – TURBOMECA,
            Christel SEGUIN – ONERA, France
            Janette Cardoso – ISAE, France

10:25 - 5C-2 Dependability Modelling of Safety Applications in Communicating
10:50    Automotive Systems

            Ossama Hamouda, Mohamed Kaâniche, Karama Kanoun – LAAS CNRS,
10:00 - Session 5D Certification
   Chairperson: Bruce Lewis – US Army, USA
10:00 - 5D-1 “Certification Together”: Unique and Innovative Approach to
10:25   Federate the Certification-Related Efforts

            Gérard Ladier – Airbus, France
            Lionel Burgaud – Aeroconseil, France

- 5D-2 “DO254 User Group, an Industry Initiative”
10:50   Anne Senechal – Barco Avionics, Belgium
            Françoise Crestey – Rockwell Collins, France

11:20 - Session 6A Model-Based Engineering 2
   Chairperson: Marie-Line Valentin – Airbus, France
11:20 - 6A-1 A Model-Based Reference Workflow for the Development
11:45   of Safety-Related Software
            Michael Beine – dSPACE, Germany 
11:45 - 6A-2 A Model-Based Methodology to Support the Space System
Engineering (MBSSE)

Silvia Mazzini – Intecs Spa, Italy
Xavier Olive – Thales Alenia Space, France 
            Carlo Paccagnini – Thales Alenia Space, Italy
            Enrico Tronci – Università La Sapinza, Italy
12:10 - 6A-3 TURTLE: Four Weddings and a Tutorial
Ludovic Apvrille – Telecom Paris- Tech, France
            Pierre de Saqui-Sannes – Université de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, 
            ISAE, LAAS, France 
12:35 - 6A-4 SPaCIFY: a Formal Model-Driven Engineering for Spacecraft
13:00   On-Board Software

            Paul Arberet, Eric Morand – CNES, France 
            Frédéric Boniol, David Chemouil – ONERA, France 
            Jean- Paul Bodeveix, Alexandre Cortier, Mamoun Filali, Martin Strecker -
            IRIT-ACADIE, France 
            Ana-Elena Rugina – EADS Astrium, France 
            Julien Ouy J.P. Talpin – IRISA-ESPRESSO, France
            Jérémy Buisson, Fabien Dagnat – Télécom Bretagne, France 
            Gerald  Garcia – Thales Alenia Space, France 
            Gilles Cannenterre – Anyware Technologie, France 
            François Dupont – Geensys, France 
            Emmanuel Fleury, Frédéric Herbreteau, Grégoire Sutre – LaBRI, France
11:20 - Session 6B OSs and Virtualisation for Critical Systems
13:00   Chairperson: Christophe Moreno – Thales Alenia Space, France

11:20 - 6B-1 R3TOS: A reliable Reconfiguration Real-Time Operating Sytstem
11:45   Xabier Iturbe, Mikel Azkarate, Imanol Martinez, A. Perez – Ikerlan-IK4
            Research Alliance, Spain
            K. Benkrid, A.T. Erdogan, T. Arslan – The University of Edinburgh, UK

- 6B-2 PharOS, a Multicore OS Ready for Safety-Related Automotive Systems:
12:10    Results
and Future Prospects 
            Christophe Aussaguès, Damien, Chabrol, Vincent David – CEA LIST, France
            Didier Roux, Natalia Willey, Arnaud Tournadre – Delphi, France
            Marc Graniou – PSA Peugeot Citroën,France
12:10 - 6B-3 XtratuM for LEON3: an OpenSource Hypervisor for High-Integrity 
12:35   Systems

            Miguel Masmano, Ismael Ripoll, Alfons Crespo, Salvador Peiro
            Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

- 6B-4 Safe and Secure Virtualization: a Valid Approach for Space Applications 
            (paper non available)
13:00   Jose Almeida – SYSGO, France

11:20 - Session 6C Design Verification and Validation
13:00   Chairperson: Yves Ledru–LIG, France
11:20 - 6C-1 Avionics Systems, EVT: Early validation Tools (paper non available)
11:45   Frédéric Charbonnier – Thales Avionics, France
11:45 - 6C-2 Verification Based Development Process for Embedded Systems
12:10   Filali Mamoun, Jean-Paul Bodeveix – IRIT, France
            Vernadat François – LAAS, France
            Tiago Correa, Leandro Buss Becker, Farines Jean-Marie – UFSC, Brazil
12:10 - 6C-3 Quirks and Challenges in the Design and Verification of Efficient,
12:35   High-Load Real-Time Software Systems

            Ulrich Margull – 1 mal 1 Software, Germany
            Michael Niemetz, Gerhard Wirrer - Continental Automotive, Germany
12:35 - 6C-4 Design and Validation of Embedded Real Time Applications
13:00   Sebastian Siegl, Christoph Lauer – University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,

11:20 - Session 6D Process and Business Models
13:00   Chairperson: Werner Froehling – Volvo Technology, Sweden
11:20 - 6D-1 Artop – an Ecosystem Approach for Collaborative AUTOSAR Tool 
11:45   Development

            Michael Rudorfer, Christian Knüchel – BMW Car IT, Germany
            Stephan Eberle, Romain Sezestre – Geensys, France
            Stefan Voget, Robert Kiss – Continental Engineering, Germany
            Aldric Loyer – Peugeot-Citroën Automobiles, France
11:45 - 6D-2 Manage the Automotive Embedded Software Development
12:10   Cost by Using a Functional Size Measurement Method (COSMI
            Sophie Stern, Olivier Guetta – Renault, France

- 6D-3 Bringing the Embedded Systems Industry Towards Open Source: the
12:35    SHARE Project Experience

            Gabriella Carrozza, Massimo, Loffreda – SESM scarl, Italy
            Luca Benini, Andrea Marongiu – DEIS - University of Bologna, Italy
12:35 - 6D-4 Bi-Directional Mapping Between CMMI and INCOSE SE Handbook
13:00   Antonio Monzon – Airbus Military, Spain
14:00 - Invited Talk
   Embedded Systems: Outlook and Strategy
            Luc Rousseau – General Manager for Competitiveness, Industry and Services,
            Ministry for Economy, Industry and Employment
            Chairperson: Louis-Claude Vrignaud – Continental, France
14:30 - Panel on Healthcare
   Moderator: Gérard Ladier - Aerospace Valley, France
            Future of healthcare and medical systems are demanding tremendous embedded
            software and connected systems to speed up treatment and diagnosis and create
            a new area of social application like: E Health. This panel will deliver the position
            from head of Hospital, private research of large industry player and innovative SME.
16:30 - Session 7A Formal Verification of Models
   Chairperson: Stefan Voget – Continental Engineering Services, Germany
16:30 - 7A-1 Formal assessment of hybrid functions
16:55   Marcelin Fortes da Cruz, Sanjiv Sharma – Airbus Operations, United
            Marek Kwiatkowski – University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
16:55 - 7A-2 Formal Verification and Validation of AADL Models
17:20   Joost-Pieter Katoen, Viet Yen Nguyen, Thomas Noll – RWTH Aachen University,
            Marco Bozzano, Roberto Cavada, Alessandro Cimatti – Fondazione,
            Bruno Kessler, Italy
            Xavier Olive – Thales Alenia Space, France
17:20 - 7A-3 Formal Verification of AADL Models with Fiacre and Tina
17:45   Bernard Berthomieu, Silvano Dal Zilio, François Vernadat
            LAAS CNRS, France
            Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Mamoun Filali – IRIT, France
            Pierre Dissaux – Ellidiss, France
            Pierre Gaufillet – Airbus France, France
            Sébastien Heim – CS, France
17:45 - 7A-4 Towards Verifying Model Compilers
18:10   Matteo Bordin, Franco Gasperoni – AdaCore, France

16:30 - Session 7B Implementation Solutions
18:10   Chairperson: François Vernières – Aerospace Valley, France
16:30 - 7B-1 Safeguarded Processing of Sensor Data
16:55   Michael Steindl, Juergen Mottok, Hans Meier – University of Applied
            Sciences, Germany
            Schiller Frank, Fruechtl Markus – Technical University Munich, 

- 7B-2 An Embedded Distributed Tool for Transportation Systems Health
17:20   Assessment

            Mickael Dievart, Philippe Charbonnaud, Xavier Desforges – ENIT/
            LGP, France         
17:20 - 7B-3 An Architecture for QoS-Capable Integrated Security Gateway
17:45   to Protect Avionic Data Networks
            Mahmoud Mostafa, Anas Abou El, Kalam, Christian Fraboul
            – Université de Toulouse, France
17:45 - 7B-4 Impact of Message Authentication on Braking Distance in Vehicular 
18:10   Networks

            Jonathan Petit, Zoubir Mammeri –IRIT, France
16:30 - Session 7C System Architectures
   Chairperson: Chidung Lac – France Telecom R&D, France
16:30 - 7C-1 From ARTEMIS Requirements to a Cross-Domain Embedded System
16:55   Architecture

            Roman Obermaisser, Hermann Kopetz – Vienna University of Technology, Austria
16:55 - 7C-2 Embedded System Engineeringas a Solution to Face Future 
17:20   Automotive Industry Challenges            
            Damien Verdier – Continental Automotive, France

- 7C-3 Addressing the Data Distribution Challenge in SCADA and Utilities
17:45    Systems

             Angelo Corsaro – PrismTech, France
17:45 - 7C-4 Enhanced Dispatchability of Aircrafts Using Multi-Static Configurations
18:10   Tobias Schoofs – Skysoft Portugal, Portugal
            Peter Schmitt, Christian Engel – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
            Eric Jenn – Thales, France
            Rodrigo Coutinho – Embraer Research & Development, Brazil
16:30 - Session 7D Distributed Schedulability
   Chairperson: Lionel Burgaud – Aeroconseil, France
16:30 - 7D-1 A Framework to Experiment Optimizations for Real-Time and 
16:55   Embedded Software
            Hugues Cassé, Christine Rochange – IRIT - Univ. de Toulouse, France
            Karine Heydemann, Haluk Ozaktas – LIP6 - Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie,
            Jonathan Ponroy, Olivier Zendra – INRIA Grand Est - LORIA, France

16:55   7D-2 Applying Holistic Distributed Scheduling to AUTOSAR Methodology
17:20   Khaled Chaaban, Sébastien Saudrais, Patrick Leserf, Ahmed Daghsen
            – ESTACA, France

17:20   7D-3 One Implementation of a Hybrid On-line Process Monitoring in PC
17:45    Based Real-Time Systems
             Bojan Jovanovic, Milun Jevtic
– Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia
17:45 - 7D-4 Distributed Development of Automotive Real-Time Systems Based on
18:10   Function -
Triggere Timing Constraints

            Oliver Scheickl, Christoph Ainhauser, Michael Rudofer – BMW Car IT, Germany



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