ERTSS 2012 | 6th International Congress & Exhibition
Tarif  spécial inscriptions pour les étudiants en licence, master ou élèves ingénieurs.
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Abstract submission closed
Acceptance notification closed:
Sept. 30th, 2011
Final paper submission & Author registration 
Dec. 10th, 2011
Feb. 1st - 3rd, 2012
Registration for exhibitions
Information and registration:
March-Dec. 2011
Select your contacts for meetings:
Jan.16th to 27th, 2012
Exhibition and BtoB meeting:
Feb. 1st - 3rd, 2012
Newsletter N°3 December 2011
Newsletter N°4 January 2011
Exhibition reservation form
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Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis
11, esplanade Compans Caffarelli 31000 Toulouse - France Web site


Valérie ALIDOR
Tel +33 (0)1 56 90 37 02
Exhibition and business meetings
Tel: +33(0)1 41 86 41 10
Philippe ANGEL
Tél: +33(0)1 41 86 41 24




AdaCore provides open source tools and expertise for the development of mission-critical, safety-critical, and security-critical software. AdaCores flagship product is the GNAT Pro development environment that includes all tools (code coverage and profiling, code standard checker, documentation generator, etc.) necessary for building robust and reliable applications. Customers around the world, including major actors in the embedded world, trust GNAT Pro and AdaCore. See for further information or contact


Airbus is the leading aircraft manufacturer offering the most modern, comprehensive and efficient passenger aircraft family on the more than 100-seat market, while its military division is the global leader for transport, tanker and surveillance airlifters ranging from three to 45 tonnes of payload. Since its creation in 1970, Airbus has sold over 10,200 aircraft. Today, some 7,000 aircraft are in operation with more than 430 customers and operators. Airbus has acquired a large expertise and is continuously carrying out research and technical activities, in particular in the field of advanced avionics systems and software. In a context of strong competition in the aeronautics domain, the techniques, methods and tools supporting the critical embedded systems and software development are considered as key enablers. Thats why Airbus is involved in different European and national initiatives such as Artemis/EICOSE, IRT and in collaborative projects like TOPCASED, OPEES, CESAR, INTERESTED, Projet_P, in order to strongly push the emergence of new software architecture and techniques, of modelling approaches and integrated tools for avionics system development.

Airbus is an EADS company.

ESG - Dedicated to solutions. For more than fifty years, the ESG group has been a leading and innovative partner across industries as aviation, aerospace, defence and automotive. Solutions and services related to the development, integration and operation of complex electronic systems are ESGs trademark.

  • As an independent technology and process consultant, ESG carries out studies and simulations for new systems and supports the management of large projects.
  • As a competence centre, ESG enables its customers to access and master new technologies.
  • As a specialised systems company, ESG is responsible for individual modules and complete systems along their entire lifecycle.
  • As an expert of embedded software, ESG is able to take in charge all or part of a development of critical embedded software.

With locations in Europe, America and China as well as a global network of partners, ESG works for its clients worldwide. ESG France Centre Paris Pleyel 153 bd. Anatole France 93521 Saint-Denis Cedex - France Tl. +33 (0)1 55 87 05 70

INCHRON offers design and test solutions for real-time critical software in embedded systems. The INCHRON Tool-Suite enables users to develop embedded systems in shorter time, at lower cost, achieving higher quality. Developers and architects model, simulate and validate the real-time behavior of networked embedded systems accomplishing early performance analysis. For years, INCHRON's methodologies and tools have been successfully used in numerous projects with major OEMs and suppliers across all industries. The real-time simulator chronSIM improves in-depth understanding of the temporal behavior by highlighting e.g. timing effects on system states and data flow in various diagrams. chronVAL validation software analyzes the best and worst case scenarios based on formal mathematical methods. The combination of simulation and validation gives keen insight into the real-time behavior of embedded systems and networks. Since 2010 INCHRON and IBM are Business Partners. IBM is offering the complete range of INCHRONs tools and services. By integrating INCHRONs solutions with the IBM Rational software development platform, INCHRON and IBM offer customers a unique tool suite for the development of embedded systems. The greatest improvements are with regards to model-based development where timing and performance considerations can now be taken into account at a much earlier stage of the development process.

Rational solutions help organizations achieve their business goals. Rational software enables organizations to automate and integrate the core business process of software development. Rational products, services, and best practices power the IBM Software Development Platform, the premier platform for teams who discover, develop, and deploy software assets in business applications, embedded systems, and software products. This modular and complete solution enables teams to adopt a business-driven, collaborative development approach based on open standards, including the Eclipse open source framework and Jazz.

Rational software helps you deliver greater value from your investments in software and systems. It enables organizations to seize business opportunities, achieve precision in desired business outcomes, and execute with reduced risk and cost.

For more information: (French), (English)


ALTRAN is the European leader in innovation and high technology consulting. The Group employs 18,000 consultants worldwide (1,700 for ALTRAN Sud-Ouest) who represent the entire range of engineering disciplines, broken down into three major business lines: technology and R&D consulting; organisation and information systems consulting; and strategy and management consulting. ALTRAN works with companies throughout the innovation process, including technology intelligence, applied basic research, management consulting, industrial systems engineering and information systems. They operate in most industries, particularly the automotive, aeronautics, space and telecommunications sectors. ALTRAN is also involved in research activities and launched ALTRAN Research in January 2009 with the aim of strengthening ALTRAN's positioning in innovation consulting. Our cross-curricular and transverse research is based on three themes that we believe are essential in order to tackle complexity: Sustainable Development (SD), Advanced Products & Solutions (APS) and Management & Performance (M&P).

The French Space Agency, CNES, was founded in 1961 as a state-owned agency responsible for shaping and implementing French Space policy on national, european and international levels. The agencys expertise covers every aspect of space technology and its mission is to invent the space systems of the future. CNES deploys its resources for five types of programme: the Earth and the environment, civil applications, space sciences, security and defence and access to space. To accomplish its missions, CNES operates four centres which together employ more than 2400 people, engineers, technicians and administrative staff.


 The Aerospace Valley World Competitiveness Cluster allies the Midi-Pyrenees & Aquitaine regions to constitute Europes leading pool of jobs in the field of aeronautics, space and embedded systems. The purpose of the Aerospace Valley cluster is to grow jobs in its regions in the aeronautics, space and embedded systems sectors. 11,000 new jobs have already been created in the last three years (INSEE figures).

Embedded Systems

In embedded systems, the clusters development priorities focus on:

  • the dependability and reliability of embedded systems at all levels (software/hardware)
  • performance, modularity and the quality of mechanical, electrical-IT parts and energy development
  • systems diagnosis and prognosis
  • new modes of human-system interaction and inter-systems communication
  • the design of smaller, less expensive and more powerful components in conjunction with NanoInnov, a major program

Embedded systems also offer numerous opportunities for diversification, particularly in the areas of health, energy and home automation.

See Aerospace Valey web site for more information and contact :

Onera (Office National dEtudes et Recherches Arospatiales) is the French national aerospace research center. It is a public research establishment, with eight major facilities in France and about 2,000 employees, including 1,500 scientists, engineers and technicians. Onera 's areas of expertise are organized into 16 departments. Four scientific branches coordinate the activities in the related fields. and real time embedded system is one key topics for the research departments of the scientific branch "Information Processing and Systems"

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