Session 1A | Session 2A | Session 4D | Session 6D | Session 8A |
11:00-13:00 Room Auditorium St Exupery Wednesday 1 February 2012
> Session 1A- Multi -Domain Safety Assurance
Session Chair: David Powell - LAAS-CNRS, France
1A.1 Criticality categories across safety standards in different
Jean-Paul Blanquart - Astrium Satellites, France
Jean-Marc Astruc - Continental, France
Philippe Baufreton - Sagem Défense Sécurité, France
Jean-Louis Boulanger - CERTIFER, France
Hervé Delseny - Airbus, France
Jean Gassino - IRSN, France
Gérard Ladier - Aerospace Valley, France
Emmanuel Ledinot - Dassaul Aviation, France
Michel Leeman - Valeo, France
Joseph Machrouh - Thales, France
Philippe Quéré - Renault, France
Bertrand Ricque - Sagem Défense Sécurité, France
1A.2 Cross domain comparison of System Assurance
Joseph Machrouh - Thales, France
Jean-Paul Blanquart - ASTRIUM, France
Philippe Baufreton - Sagem, France
Jean-Louis Boulanger - CERTIFER, France
Hervé Delseny - Airbus, France
Jean Gassino - IRSN, France
Gérard Ladier - Aerospace Valley, France
Emmanuel Ledinot - Dassault Aviation, France
Michel Leeman - Valeo, France
Jean-Marc Astruc - Continental, France
Philippe Quéré - Renault, France
Bertrand Ricque - Sagem, France
1A.3 A cross-domain comparison of software development
Emmanuel Ledinot - DASSAULT AVIATION, France
Jean Gassino - IRSN, France
Jean-Paul Blanquart - Astrium Satellites, France
Jean-Louis Boulanger - CERTIFER, France
Philippe Quéré - Renault, France
Bertrand Ricque - Sagem Défense Sécurité, France
1A.4 A multi-domain platform of safety process methods and tools for critical
embedded systems
Jean-Paul Blanquart - Astrium Satellites, France
Eric Armengaud - AVL, Austria
Philippe Baufreton - Sagem Défense Sécurité, France
Quentin Bourrouilh - AVL, Austria
Joseph Machrouh - Thales, France
Andreas Mitschke - EADS, Germany
Markus Oertel - OFFIS, Germany
Thomas Peikenkamp - Offis, Germany
Tormod Wien - ABB, Sweden
15:10-16:10 Room Auditorium St Exupery Wednesday 1 February 2012
> Session 2A - Model Based Safety
Session Chair: Jean-Louis Boulanger - Certifer, France
2A.1 Using the CESAR Safety Design Process for Functional Safety Management in the context of ISO 26262
Eric Armengaud - AVL List GmbH, Austria
Gerhard Griessnig - AVL List GmbH, Austria
Quentin Bourrouilh - AVL List GmbH, Austria
Helmut Martin - Virtual Vehicle Competence Center, Austria
Peter Reichenpfader - Virtual Vehicle Competence Center, Austria
2A.2 A COTS-based Safe Design Method for Train Control Systems
Salam Hajjar - INSA de Lyon, France
Emil Dumitrescu - INSA de Lyon, France
Eric Niel - INSA de Lyon, France
10:30-12:30 Room Ariane 2 Thursday 2 February 2012
> Session 4D - Safety process
Session Chair: Emmanuel Ledinot - Dassault Aviation, France
4D.1 Safety Standards and WCET Analysis Tools
Daniel Kästner - AbsInt GmbH, Germany
Christian Ferdinand - AbsInt GmbH, Germany
4D.2 Interoperability between Risk Assessment and System Design for Railway Safety Critical Signalling System Development
Marielle Doche-Petit - Systerel, France
Frédéric Thomas - Obeo, France
Fabien Belmonte - Alstom Transport, France
4D.3 Human-robot interactions: model-based risk analysis and safety case construction
Quynh Anh Do Hoang - LAAS-CNRS, France
Jérémie Guiochet - LAAS-CNRS, France
David Powell - LAAS-CNRS, France
Mohamed Kaaniche - LAAS-CNRS, France
4D.4 Elicitation of Executable Safety Rules for Critical Autonomous Systems
Amina Mekki Mokhtar - LAAS-CNRS, France
Jérémie Guiochet - LAAS-CNRS, France
David Powell - LAAS-CNRS, France
Jean-Paul Blanquart - EADS ASTRIUM, France
Matthieu Roy - LAAS - CNRS, France
16:00-17:00 Room Ariane 2 Thursday 2 February 2012
> Session 6D - Software Qualimetry
Session Chair: Olivier Guetta - Renault, France
6D.1 Software Qualimetry at Schneider Electric: a field background
Hervé Dondey - Schneider Electric, France
Christophe Peron - Squoring Technologies, France
6D.2 Model Quality Assessment in Practice: How to Measure and Assess the Quality of Software Models During the Embedded
Software Development Process
Ingo Stuermer - Model Engineering Solutions GmbH, Germany
Hartmut Pohlheim - Model Engineering Solutions GmbH, Germany
14:40-16:10 Room Auditorium St Exupery Friday 3 February 2012
> Session 8A - Safety & Security
Session Chair: Xavier Depin - Airbus, France
8A.1 Security and Safety Assurance for Aerospace Embedded Systems
Pierre Bieber - Onera, France
Jean-Paul Blanquart - Astrium, France
Gilles Descargues - Thales, France
Michael Dulucq - SERMA Technologies, France
Yannick Fourastier - EADS France, France
Eric Hazane - EADS Cassidian Apsys, France
Mathias Julien - Altran, France
Laurent Léonardon - Rockwell-Collins France, France
Gabrielle Sarouille - Thales, France
8A.2 Similarities and dissimilarities between safety levels and security levels
Jean-Paul Blanquart - Astrium Satellites, France
Pierre Bieber - Onera, France
Gilles Descargues - Thales DAE, France
Eric Hazane - EADS APSYS, France
Mathias Julien - Altran, France
Laurent Leonardon - Rockwell Collins France, France
8A.3 Secure architecture for information systems in avionics
Maxime Lastera - CNRS ; LAAS, France
Eric Alata - CNRS ; LAAS, France
Jean Arlat - CNRS ; LAAS, France
Yves Deswarte - CNRS ; LAAS, France
Bertrand Leconte - AIRBUS Operations SAS, France
David Powell - CNRS ; LAAS, France
Cristina Simache - ALTRAN SUD OUEST, France