Several awards, consisting in  official certificates and money prizes, will be presented by the International Radar Conference 2014 Award Committee and Technical Program Committee.

Best Paper award - co-sponsored by SONDRA Lab and Thales

This award honors the author(s) of a paper of outstanding scientific merit and presenting a significant advance in radar. The value of the Best Paper prize is € 1500. Eligibility requires the paper to be published in the Conference Proceedings and presented during the Conference in either an oral or poster session. 

Winners are : Authors - Olivier Rabaste and Laurent Savy
Title: Mismatched filter optimization via quadratic convex programming for Radar applications

Best Young Scientist Paper awards - co-sponsored by ONERA and Lille 1 University

This award honors a young scientist whose paper constitutes an excellent contribution in the field of radar. Two Best Young Scientist Paper prizes of € 1500€ and € 500 will be awarded. If it is found relevant, a  third prize, consisting of scientific books, will be considered.  Eligibility requires the candidate to be the first author of the paper published in the Conference Proceedings, to be the major contributor to both the written paper and the results described in it, to effectively present the paper during either an oral or poster session and to be under 35 years of age at date of award. Detailed information concerning eligibility criteria will be required upon paper submission.

Winners are : Authors: Rémi Baqué, Grégory Bonin, Philippe Dreuillet and André Barka

Title: CURACAO, Compact SAR / GMTI first protype development and tests


Authors: Nicolas Pinel, Goulven Monnier and Julien Houssay

Title: Fast simulation of a moving sea surface remotely sensed by Radar


Authors: Hongwei Liu, Shenghua Zhou, Huikai Zang and Yunhe Cao Two

Title: Waveform design criteria for colocated MIMO Radar


Disruptive Concept award - sponsored by Dassault Aviation

This award honors the author(s) of a paper presenting an exceptional breakthrough with respect to the state of the art, in the field of radar signal processing, systems or applications. The value of the Disruptive Concept prize is € 1500. Eligibility requires the paper to be published in the Conference Proceedings and presented during the Conference in either an oral or poster session.


Papers already presented at other Conferences shall not be eligible unless substantially revised before re-presentation.

Winners are : Authors: Thomas Crépin, Cédric Martel, Benjamin Gabard, Fabrice Boust, Jean-Paul Martinaud, Thierry Dousset, Pablo Rodriguez-Ulibarri, Miguel Beruete, Claudius Loecker, Thomas Bertuch, José Antonio Marcotegui and Stefano Maci

Title: Blind Spot Mitigation in Phased Array Antenna using Metamaterials

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