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John PENDRY - Imperial College London


The recent advances in the field of metamaterials show the rich variety of effects that can be brought into play by micro-structuring a medium. Although studies of the effect of internal structure on material properties goes back at least to Maxwell, the potential for introducing truly radical properties is a recent development. I shall review some of the advances made in the field which include the development of the design tool of transformation optics, a replacement for Descartes¹ law of refraction, but which is accurate at the level of Maxwell¹s equations. These new technologies find a host of applications which include cloaking devices and sub wavelength focusing. The concepts are now being applied to other wave phenomena such as acoustics. Finally make some speculations about what we might see in the future.



John Pendry is a condensed matter theorist. He has worked at the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, since 1981. His present research concerns the remarkable electromagnetic properties Œmetamaterials¹ whose properties owe more to their micro-structure than to the constituent materials. These made accessible completely novel materials with properties not found in nature. Successively metamaterials with negative electrical permittivity, then with negative magnetic permeability were designed and constructed. In 2006, collaborating with a team of scientists at Duke University, he deployed the technique of Œtransformation optics¹ to proposed a recipe for a cloak that can hide an arbitrary object from electromagnetic fields. The simplicity of the new concepts together with their radical consequences have caught the imagination of the world¹s media generating much positive publicity for science in general.



Wu Jianqi - Chairman of Radar Society of CIE

Abstrat : Research on Improvements of VHF-band Radar Performance
The VHF-band radar is characterized by the frequency advantages of anti-stealth, but suffers from multi-path effects. The presentation will introduce the approaches to mitigate the multi-path effects based on the cognitive radar theory and polarization isolation. The adaptive height-finding methods under complex terrain environment will be discussed. And also, in consideration of the narrow bandwidth of VHF radar, the target recognition methods based on micro-Doppler modulation, polarization, and resonance will be presented. Finally, the experimental results will be provided.



Wu Jianqi was educated at University of Electronic Science and Technology in 1990, where he received the MA degree in Electromagnetic Field & Microwave Technology. Since 1990, he has been with the Early-warning and Detection Division, East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering (ECRIEE), where he is an engineer of radar system. In 1996, Wu Jianqi was appointed as the director of the division. From 2007, he has been the Deputy President of East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering. In 2011, Prof. Wu was elected to be the Chairman of the Radar Society of China Institute of Electronics. Prof. Wu’s major technical activities have been in radar system engineering and technology development, especially in air surveillance radar technology. His outstanding achievements have won several National Scientific and Technical Achievements Prize.

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Moeness Amin

Abstract : Sparsity-Aware Urban Radar
Compressive Sensing for Urban Radars, or Compressive Urban Radar (CUR), is an area of research and development which investigates the radar performance within the context of compressive sensing and with a focus on urban applications. CUR examines the effect of using significantly reduced data measurements in time, space and frequency on 2D and 3D imaging quality, strong EM reflections from exterior and interior walls, target multipath and ghosts, and moving target detection and tracking. In this respect, CUR is a hybrid between the two areas of compressive sensing and urban sensing. In essence, it enables reliable localization and imaging of indoor targets using a very small percentage of the entire data volume. Reduced or compressed observations can be due logistical difficulty in data collection or motivated by the need for fast data acquisition.
In this talk, compressive sensing will be put in context for radar, in general, and in particular for the urban environment. We will explain how CS can achieve various radar sensing goals and objectives, and how it compares with the use of full data volume. Different radar specifications and configurations will be used. In particular, we will address CS for urban radars towards achieving (a) Imaging through walls; (b) Detection of behind the wall targets; (c) Mitigation of wall clutter; and (d) Exploitation of multipath. All of the above issues will be examined using data generated at the Radar Imaging Lab, Villanova University.

Biography : 

Dr. Amin is the Director of the Center for Advanced Communications, Villanova University, USA. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2001; Fellow of the International Society of Optical Engineering, 2007; and a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2010. Dr. Amin is a Recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal, 2000; Recipient of the 2009 Individual Technical Achievement Award from the European Association of Signal Processing; Recipient of the 2010 NATO Scientific Achievement Award; Recipient of the Chief of Naval Research Challenge Award, 2010; Recipient of Villanova University Outstanding Faculty Research Award, 1997; and the Recipient of the IEEE Philadelphia Section Award, 1997. He is the Chair of the Electrical Cluster of the Franklin Institute Committee on Science and the Arts.


Dr. Amin has over 700 journal and conference publications in the areas of Wireless Communications, Time-Frequency Analysis, Sensor Array Processing, Waveform Design and Diversity, Interference Cancellation in Broadband Communication Platforms, Satellite Navigations, Target Localization and Tracking, Direction Finding, Channel Diversity and Equalization, Ultrasound Imaging and Radar Signal Processing. He co-authored 18 book chapters, and is the Editor of the two books “Through the Wall Radar Imaging” and “Compressive Sensing for Urban Radar,”  published by CRC Press in 2011 and 2014, respectively. He holds two US Patents on Smart Antennas.


Dr. Amin was the Guest Editor of the Journal of Franklin Institute September-08 Special Issue on Advances in Indoor Radar Imaging. He was a Guest Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing May-09 Special Issue on Remote Sensing of Building Interior;  Guest Editor of the IET Signal Processing December-09 Special Issue on Time-Frequency Approach to Radar Detection, Imaging, and Classification; Guest editor of the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Sparse Sensing in Radar and Sonar Signal Processing, 2014; and a Guest Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine November-13 and July-14 Special Issues on Time-frequency Analysis and Applications, and Recent Advances in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging.


Photo Savy 

Laurent Savy

Abstract: Catching the invisible - Technical Challenges
From its very beginning, the aim of radars was to catch the invisible for human eyes. Nowadays this invisible has become extremely challenging. Not only traditional targets are more and more stealthier, but new targets (small UAV, Pedestrians, …), new complex environments (embedding of civilian/military), new rules of engagement (asymmetric conflict), have risen. To face these new stakes, modern radars have to evolve. After a brief review of the current and future challenges, the talk will describe possible technical responses as well as tracks to follow to make the necessary breakthroughs. They concern hardware evolutions (lower phase noise, wideband receivers, high performance computing, …) as well as advanced signal processing techniques (STAP, MIMO, change detection, global matched filter, …).

Biography :
Laurent Savy has graduated from Centrale Marseille French Engineer School in 1988. He then joined Thomson Radar Application Centre, where he drove advanced studies in signal processing. In 2000, he joined Thales Airborne Systems, as responsible for the advanced studies team in the radar technical directorate, until 2007, when he moved to Onera. Currently, Laurent Savy acts as senior advisor on radar systems at Onera Radar & Electromagnetism Department
His field of interest concerns new concepts in radar and signal processing. He is author of several papers and patents, in particular regarding STAP (Space Time Adaptive Processing).

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